CLOUD Specialists+ LLC's Technology Solutions are now Partnering with CharjOn LLC
CLOUD Specialists+ LLC's Technology Solutions are now Partnering with CharjOn LLC
PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange. Back in the 1960's it helped companies connect internally without additional outside lines. They are Onsite physical computers that are usually mounted inside a Telephone closet. They are prone to flooding, fire, power outages, power surges and have very high costs as the Customer is extremely dependent on highly Technical people to program them. Often, when they break and the do, parts are at best difficult to find which causes extensive down time durations. We are removing PBX's at a rapid rate, and showing people the significant cost savings and benefits to UCaas.
UCaas made its red carpet entrance in 2014 with the development of Cloud Technology. The acronym stands for Unified Communications as a Service. The brains and equipment with the exception of the physical phone are all safely housed in a disaster proof facility called a Data Center. There are many, many advantages that Data Centers offer. UCaas, aka web hosted phone systems provide your staff a simple and intuitive web portal so you can control how your phones function. No more dispatching expensive outside technicians to program your phone and waiting for them to arrive. If your staff is not comfortable taking this on, there are 24/7 phone numbers you can call at no charge to help you make the changes.
Imagine having 100 locations nationwide and not having to dispatch a technician to each site to set up phones. The ease of implementation is usually a shock to people's system. It's a huge paradigm shift from the old fashion expensive and risky PBX world.
The odds of you significantly reducing costs are significant.
UCaas utilizes IP, or internet protocol to transmit Voice and also Messaging Services. We help you order Internet from the best Network Provider at your Service Address, and though there are variations of this type of service, typically you simply plug the preprogrammed IP phone directly into an existing internet jack and wah lah you have a phone system and darn good one, at that! The phones typically have a break/fix warranty and would be overnight shipped. You have the option of buying the phones if capex is important to you but most clients pay a monthly fee per phone. Also, in most cases any long distance charges that you use to incur, will vanish.
UCaas is also the platform for Contact Center tools which we speak of on another page.
Imagine being able to create video conference calls, or be on your desk phone when you have to leave for another appointment. You can seemlessly transition your call to your cell phone. In fact you can use any smart phone and not even have to have a desk phone as in the case of a construction worker for example.
Depending on your infrastructure we can get you from where you are to where you want to be. Here are other aspects of Phone Systems we have worked with.
POTS/Dial Tone, Long Distance, Toll-Free, T-1 PRI, Integrated T-1, SIP Trunking, VoIP, Hosted PBX, Conferencing, Voice Audits, IP Migration Strategies, etc.
Or call and talk to one of our no-pressure and friendly staff members at: